State Level Workshops

Consultative workshop for various stakeholders on "IDENTIFICATION OF PRIORITY THEMATIC AREAS FOR MANIPUR STATE"

A one-day consultation workshop on the “Identification of Priority Thematic Areas for Manipur State” for various stakeholders of Manipur state was held in the Conference Hall of the Department of Anthropology, Manipur University, Canchipur, on the 6th of January 2022. It was organised by the Himalayan Knowledge Network (HKN) Manipur Chapter, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Manipur University, through the project funded by the G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora. The workshop was attended by thirty-three eminent scientists, policymakers, practitioners, and professors representing various institutes, government and non-governmental organisations in the state.

After listening to all the deliberation given by the learned participants, the chair and co-chair unanimously shortlisted the following issues as the thrust areas for developing the thematic document for the state of Manipur:

1. Agroforestry-horticulture to counter shifting cultivation
2. Development of Eco-tourism
3. Documentation of Traditional Knowledge
4. Utilisation and management of bioresources
5. Land use and land cover-based resource management

  A brief report of Consultative workshop for various stakeholders on Identification Of Priority Thematic Areas For Manipur State